Project coordinator
Member of steering comittee WP2
PhD Promotor WP5, WP6
Member Doctoral Advisory Committee WP4
Vakgroep Onderwijskunde
Dr. Martin Valcke is full professor in the field of ‘Instructional Sciences’ at the Ghent University, Belgium and head of the Department of Educational Studies in the Faculty of Psychology and Educational Sciences. Building on his PhD-work in the field of educational information sciences, his actual field of research focuses mainly on the Innovation of Higher Education and the integrated use of Information and Communication Technologies (ICT). In addition, he is promoter of studies in the field of performance indicators (PSA, PIAAC), teacher education, ICT in primary schools, learning styles and learning approaches. He has been and is being involved in a large number of national and international research and consultancy projects in countries of Africa (Uganda, Mozambique, South Africa, Zimbabwe), Middle America (Ecuador, Peru), and Asia (Cambodia, China, Vietnam). Next, he is regularly involved in activities and projects of the World Bank, the European Commission (Erasmus+ Capacity Building projects, Horizon 2020, Flexible Universities, Multi-Media program, TEMPUS, Socrates, IST, FP7, …), and other international organizations. He has published in a wide variety of international journals and international books. His output consists of over 160 ISI-indexed journal papers. He is editor/reviewer for the Australian journal Distance Education, Computers in Human Behaviour, the Online Medical Journal, and involved in a number of other journals (Computers & Education, Learning & Instruction, Review of educational Research, Contemporary Educational Psychology, Teaching and Teacher Education, ...). Formerly, he has been working at the Dutch Open University, focusing on the design of ODL-information systems: systems to design, develop and exploit flexible electronic learning materials to be delivered just-in-time, on-demand, via the Internet, cd-rom or by printing-on-demand. He is visiting professor at the Beijing Normal University, South China Normal university and Anshan Normal Universty (P.R.China). He is Distinguished Fellow of the University of Western Australia (Perth) and in 2016 was awarded the Francqui Prize from the Universite Catholique de Louvain. A full academic output overview can be consulted via
Department of Eductional Studies
Our consortium has the ambition to develop a collaborative and innovative centre of expertise in the field of ePortfolios and workplace learning in healthcare education. You can contact us with questions about design, legislation, training, and research. Please contact us if you are interested in sharing expertise or collaborating in research projects at home and abroad.