
This overarching work package aims to monitor and promote cohesion between all work packages. Each work package will be realised by a specific team.

Through this work package, researchers are encouraged to link results, discuss them critically and formulate new ideas. Characteristic of this work package is co-creation and innovation. This happens with the researchers, with members of the user group from home and abroad (an overview of these can be found in the document below) as well as with input from interested parties who are actively involved with the project throughout the process. Through networking, the aim is to valorise results, as well as to develop new projects with interested parties.

Our goal remains to build an expertise centre around this theme. All ideas and questions can be emailed to We will then contact you as soon as possible.

We want to maximise the valorisation of the results of our project through events already being organised by training courses, healthcare institutions and organisations under the theme of quality of education in the workplace.  

Are you organising a team day, internal/external training with mentors, study day or other event to present research results in 2023? Is there an opportunity to present our SCAFFOLD results? If so, please contact us as soon as possible at Together, we can agree on content, duration and format. As this is valorisation in the context of this project, it is a free offer.

Current research

2020 was the first project year of the SCAFFOLD project. In February - just before the outbreak of the Covidpandemic - the project was launched live. This happened under great interest from professionals who train students on the shop floor on a daily basis.

2021: We have sent an interim report to the FWO. Like many, we have worked mostly online because of the Covid pandemic. This has obviously been a challenge, but we can say that as a dynamic research team, we have managed to make good progress with the SCAFFOLD project.

2022: On 21/04/2022 we presented our project results for the first time at the International Education Congress AERA 2022 in San Diego. The abstract and presentation can be found here.

On 20/09/2022, we presented our research results at an interim event at De Krook. Below you will find a poster of each work package with the main research results presented at the event

2023: The final Scaffold project year. We presented our research results at a more than successful closing event 9/11/2023. Mr Pedro Facon, Deputy Administrator General NIHDI-INAMI gave an engaging keynote on how the government can respond to the various challenges to support lifelong learning in the workplace.

You can view the presentation and the booklet with our research findings below.

SBO SCAFFOLD in numbers


  • Meetings with steering committee: 11
  • Meetings with User Group: 6 + 5 Australia
  • Publications: 10 + 1 under review
  • Presentations, conferences and studydays: 27 + 3 planned
  • Master's theses 3 + 10 in progress
  • Internship: 2
  • External questions: 32
    • 16 educators
    • 7 hospitals
    • 3 companies
    • 2 professional organisations
    • 4 abroad
  • Events organised by Scaffold: 3 (launch and mid- and closing event)
  • Newly submitted projects: 6 (2 accepted, 1 rejected, 3 in review)


As researchers, we would like to develop a co-creative and innovative centre of expertise in the field of ePortfolios and workplace learning in healthcare. We are therefore proud to announce that we are receiving more and more requests from home and abroad.

In Belgium, the topic is becoming more topical as Minister Vandenbroucke sent a letter to healthcare providers on 17 December stating that the law of 22 April 2019 on quality practice in healthcare will come into effect on 1 January 2022. The (digital) portfolio is an important instrument for demonstrating competence and skills. You can find the letter below.

Who to contact?